Renowned designer Nadia Rehan recently held a scintillating exhibition at her design studio. The exhibition comprised exquisite ensembles crafted by the talented Nadia. Be it the classy casuals or festive formals every creation was a work of art. The exhibition was thronged by socialites, fashionistas, friends and family of the designer.
Nadia has now worked up a brilliant Eid collection comprising latest trends and chic cuts that will be a must-have for fashionistas this Eid. “My Eid collection consists of smart and stylish straight line shirts with no volume at all.
The colours I have used this time are very vibrant. Also a softer ash grey is my new favourite. As for fabric my Eid collection is mostly in silks. I have used shamoise and stone washed fabric.”
Nadia’s success lies in the fact that she offers classy fabric, stylishly sculpted and at extremely affordable rates. Here’s one designer who is perpetually innovating her creations. No wonder then that she is the choice of all those who crave style!