High Street, the leading international multi-brand shop-in shop is now offering customers all over Pakistan to place orders for their favorite designer bags, clothes and accessories. The service is one of a kind which has never been introduced in the country before. Let High Street team do the work for you. One can place order for Gucci, Versace, Chanel, LV, Michael Kors, DVF, Tory Burch and every brand under the sun through this service.
“We are introducing this service so the customers can purchase their designer items with peace of mind. All the shopping will be done from Dubai, UAE. Original receipts and tags will be sent with the order. It’s really hard to buy a designer item from Pakistan as we are always double-minded about its authenticity. We have now made it easy through our Personal Shopper Service” said Amina Hyatt Lak, Co-founder of High Street.
The procedure is pretty simple, all you have to do is send us your wish list, and a team member will be assigned to do all the work for you. End customer will receive their ordered items within 3-5 working days via registered post.
Customers can browse the official website of their favorite designer and send the links to High Street, and then a team member will search for the item in the malls. The team member will be in touch with the customer throughout the process. Upon confirmation of availability the customer pays the price of the item and the order will be shipped out.