Following the acclaimed showcase of her collection ‘Naqsh’ at Fashion Pakistan Week 5, Sania Maskatiya launched her first stand alone flagship store in Lahore on Thursday April 25th 2013 on M.M.Alam Road and plans to introduce her “Ahgaaz” luxury/pret Resort collection at PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week 2013 on Friday 26th of April 2013.
Managed by Bilal Mukhtar Events with PR by Lotus PR, the exclusive preview was attended by designers, media personalities and socialites such as; Khadijah Shah, Mahreen Qureshi, Munib Nawaz, Javed Sheikh, Fareshteh Aslam, Huma Ahmad, Jania Bhatti, Natasha Saigol, Muneeza Khalid, Amna Babar, Alizeh Waqar, Imtisal Zafar, Madiha Qaiser, Zahra Raza, Amna Kardar, Hamza Tarar, Saim, Mehrbano Qureshi and Iqra Mansha.
The Sania Maskatiya flagship Lahore store stocks all Sania Maskatiya lines and specific collections, from her popular block prints, embroideries and every day kurtas along with evening couture and formal wear as well as her recent collection ‘Naqsh’ showcased at FPW 5. A concept store/boutique, the interior has been designed by leading architect Yousaf Shahbaz of Strata.
Speaking about the Lahore Store Launch and her collection for PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week, Sania Maskatiya said “Just two years into our brand, we are extremely excited to be able to expand to a standalone store in Lahore. We endeavour to bring all that the Sania Maskatiya brand has come to be known for in terms of aesthetics, design and service to Lahore. In fact our collection for PSFW celebrates the opening of this new space, paying tribute to the bold and vibrant along with the pastel hues that are representative of the magical city of Lahore. Ahgaaz seeks to excite the senses as one enters a garden of new beginnings.”
Indeed Sania’s signature aesthetic is a balance between elegance, comfort and practicality with designs that often take imaginative inspirations, manifest across three main lines including prêt a porter, diffusion wear and haute couture, for women of all ages. The Sania Maskatiya design house uses only pure fabrics cut and draped in a range of silhouettes creating versatile looks across all their fashion lines. The launch of the Lahore store marks the second standalone Sania Maskatiya store, the first being in Karachi. Between 2013 – 2013 the brand aims to introduce more standalone store within Pakistan.