Leading fashion designer Nida Azwer is set to launch her Luxury Pret collection entitled “The William Morgan & Morris collection” at the 6th PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week in Lahore on the 28th of April 2013 followed by the opening of her flagship store in Lahore two weeks later, on the 15th of May 2013. Situated in Lahore’s popular retail hub on M.M.Alam Road, the Nida Azwer Lahore store has been designed by leading interior artist Yousaf Shahbaz of Strata.
Showcasing at the PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week, Nida Azwer’s “The William Morgan & Morris” 2013 collection is inspired from the works of William De Morgan, potter and tile designer and Morris, artist and designer, where fantastical birds, florals, fauna and animals were engaged as intricate and popular motifs in their work. A mixture of East and West is seen in their historic work, reinterpreted by Nida Azwer in this collection, complimenting the atelier’s design philosophy of revival within a modern context.
The collections colour palette draws on Morgan’s continued use of the ‘Persian’ palette. To this end expect dark blues, turquoise, manganese purple, greens, Indian reds, and lemon yellows incorporated in this collection across Nida Azwer’s signature styles and cuts.
Immediately following her PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week showcase, Nida Azwer opens her first standalone store for public retail in Pakistan on the 30th of April, situated on Lahore’s MM Alam Road, at the newly constructed La Societe building. At the store, the brand will retail their coveted pret line ‘The White Label’, stitched Nida Azwer lawn suits, kids wear and a selection of their formal wear, along with bridal as well.
The ‘William Morgan and Morris’ collection showcasing at PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week will also be available at the store. As announced earlier this year, the Nida Azwer atelier will also be launching a second standalone store in 2013, in Karachi’s Oceans Tower, in May.
Speaking about the opening of the Lahore store and her collection for PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week, Nida Azwer said “2013 is an important year for my brand as this is the year we are opening our own stores in two of Pakistan’s key cities for retail – we are naturally very excited with making the brand more accessible to a wider diversity of people, having first taken the plunge into a wider retail network when we introduced a lawn collection earlier this year.
I am equally looking forward to our showcase at PSFW where i have taken the old Eastern and Western fusion work of two great artists and re imagined it within a more indigenous context”