Let us remember our leader. Father of the nation. The man who worked in a spirit for people irrespective of their creed, caste or color. The one who strived to bring equal rights to the privileged and unprivileged. The man who worked day in and day out to bring a homeland to millions of Muslims so that they could raise their head and voice with dignity, unanimity and self-respect. Let us dedicate this moment to Quaid-e-Azam – the Great Leader and celebrate his 136th birthday on 25th December 2012.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 1876. Right from the outset he was destined for greatness for he had a personality that radiated aim, determination, conviction, forthrightness, and leadership. Today when 25th December knocks at our door, we must remember our great leader who was a handsome man with a dazzling demeanor, irreproachable character, and impeccable reputation.
Pakistani nation has all the reasons to be proud of this man we call as Father of the Nation for he inculcated the deep sense of self-respect, unending struggling and a ray of hope for the oppressed Muslims of the subcontinent. Surely, we wouldn’t have been breathing in the free air of Pakistan – homeland – if it wasn’t for a leader of Quaid-e-Azam’s stature. We owe huge thanks and incessant prayers to this man who rid us of the oppressive and bigoted Hindu claw and biased British Raj and blessed us with a country that we call our home, where we breathe freely, where we have a freedom to live the life the way we want to, worship in masjids and celebrate the Islamic festivals without any fear.
Today, as we remember our great Quaid, we must do our personality analysis and reflect on our deeds. Perhaps his watchword ‘Unity, Faith ad Discipline’ can be our first guide to help us take a giant leap in the right direction. We need not learn from any other leader, or personality for that matter, when our history shines with the sun named Jinnah. We must salute and honour our leader who was the top force in giving us an identity and a home land on the map of the earth. We must intune our lives according to his saying, vision and aim. He gave us Pakisan, a gift to take care of, a gift to expand and make better, As Pakistanis, we have a big responsibility, in fact each one of us is responsible for the betterment (or the lack of it) of Pakistan.
Let us not let this day pass by in silence. Let us make a promise to ourselves and Quaid’s soul that we will dedicate all our efforts to make this country a flourishing one, a country where every citizen gets equal rights. Together let us promise that we will make this country ascend the ladder of success. Happy Birthday Quaid-e-Azam, may you rest in peace.