Every one wants to see them self in lime light if we take a look around the world people can do anything to be under this light today we will get the opportunity know from our own fashion world what make them come under this light.
Josh movie was a turning point for Aamina Sheikh this movie bought her into lime light not only national but also internationally.
Somewhere in her mind is this dream role. Role that crosses boundaries, has international appeal, is progressive. I want to play a South Asian representative living somewhere else, not a hijabi or an extremist of any kind. It should not be the usual a desi girl meets white boy, and wants to marry amidst religious and cultural issues theme. A genuine story must come out of it. No one in the fashion industry reinvents as well or as frequently as Nabila.
I prefer to stay behind the lens says Nabila the famous makeup artist but no one can forget Babra Sharif actress in the Pakistani film on screen look was the reason to bring Nabila in lime light
Let’s ask from fashion world what was the moment was when they saw flush of limelight on them
Madiha Ibrar
I still remember that day when a lady came to and showed me my dress picture and told in Canada People love wearing Madiha Ibrar collection can you copy the same dress for me, I laugh a loud and told her that I am Madiha Ibrar & I design these dresses at that moment I felt myself in limelight & then there was no looking back
Najia Anis Rahman by Naaj
Working with gems and diamonds you always in limelight but I think when people start knowing your work internationally that automatically brings you in limelight, I do get emails and call from place where I never thought people even know me they call and place their orders. I think print media is doing a wonderful job for us they are good sources for showing the upcoming talent of PAKISTAN around the world.
Pershe by Kauser Hummayun
There are many moments of limelight in my life here in PAKISTAN people love your work and keep appreciating you talk about your designs I think that always make me in limelight.
Sehyr Anis
I usually feel very uncomfortable being the center of attention or being in the ‘limelight’ per say. So for a person who consciously avoids such instances, its slightly difficult to share such a tale. However, where I have found myself in such a situation is definitely during my work as a consultant where I have to make interact with donor agencies and represent my country in international conferences. People from outside who view Pakistan through the lens of media perceive it to be a prison for women. When they interact with a person like me who is working in the development sector and in the fashion industry, and is emancipated, vocal and dresses in modern apparel, they definitely are surprised and get a new perception of women in Pakistan. I feel it is amongst such people that I often feel in the limelight!