Renowned fashion designer Saira Rizwan, whose Bridal Couture Week collections were widely acclaimed, has announced plans to soon launch her flagship store in Lahore. This is a major milestone for the Lahore-based designer who has numerous accolades to her name including participation in London Fashion Week and numerous sell-out exhibitions.
“This is a huge step for me and my brand,” said the soft spoken designer, whose design sensibility is a true amalgamation of the east and the west. Saira Rizwan has created a niche for her brand due to her expert craftsmanship and acute understanding of how to handle delicate fabrics. “I have been dreaming of my own flagship store for years and now it’s becoming a reality.”
The studio will be launching at Mall 94, a high-end boutique mall in Lahore located next to the extremely popular Mall One.
The studio will be a one-stop shop for all Saira Rizwan fans with an elaborate display showcasing the designer’s pret, semi formal as well as couture collection.
“A large number of clients come to me for my bridal designs,” said Rizwan, whose latest bridal collection was inspired by Persian culture. “One of my reasons for launching this studio was to provide a centrally located place where my clients can come to view my latest samples and place orders for bridal designs.”
Bridal clients will be provided the opportunity to view her exclusive one-of-a-kind samples, and to have a one-on-one consultation with the designer. Rizwan prides herself on the attention to detail and keen consideration to the needs of her clients, factors which she feels have played a major role in her success.
Though the Saira Rizwan label is available at numerous top notch retail locations around the country, the designer feels it’s essential to have one’s own flagship stores. “If you look at the career paths of designers internationally, all top designer brands invest by launching their own stores which are a true depiction of the lifestyle and aesthetic they sell,” said Rizwan. “I want my brand to become extremely visible and familiar all across the country, and I think having my own stores will help me achieve this.”