The whole month of Ramadan is the source of blessing for every Muslim. People fast and worship Allah for their utmost love.Its the month of peace and harmony and humbleness.It teaches the lesson of patience to each muslim who keeps fast. Though all the ashras of Ramadan have equal importance but the last ashra is the goodbye ten days of Ramadan and muslims worship more in these ten days .After the last ashra here comes the ultimate joy of eid .The blessing ,a happiness for devoted fasting muslims.Lets talk about the last ashra and the day of eid .The rituals and joys associated with these events.
As the Easter and Christmas Muslims also have holy events like Ramadan and Eid.Ramadan comes before eid which is consist of 30 days. Each 10 days of Ramadan is termed as a one ashra.Th first ten days are termed as the blessing getting day ,the Second ashra is to be forgiven and the 3rd last ashra is for getting rid from the hell’s fire. Muslims perform special rituals to avail all this opportunities of blessing. They pay zakat ,sadqa and financially fed poor on the last ashra of Ramadan .Another good and most valued ritual on the last ashra of Ramadan is Etakaf .In Etakaf Muslims sit in Masjids for days. they avoid meeting people and spend all their time in offering prayers and reciting holy Quran.Etakaf have numberless blessings upon Muslims in last ashra of Ramadan. The last ashra of Ramadan is the last ten days of Ramadan after that Ramadan will be seen next year. so Muslims try very hard to avail its full peace before seeing it off. You will find numerous ayats and hadits about the importance of last ashra.As a good muslims its our duty to observe the last ashra with holy zeal and interest. When men are busy in worship .There is a circle of women and children who take these ten days of last ashra of Ramadan as the preparation period for the Eid day. yes Eid is the gift from Allah for his obedient men who made him happy in Ramadan.women,girls ,men and children enjoys lots of shopping for the day of eid right after aftar. The current wave of inflation even can’t stop them from celebrating eid day preparation at its we take the name of Eid here the visualization of sweetest things on the earth. Since on eid day many sweetest Pakistani deserts are being prepared and served to people who goes to each other house for wishing them Eid .Houses are decorated. Everyone on this day seems to be blessed and happy and beautiful and attractive. While celebrating Eid day and observing the last ashra of Ramadan with all its activities we should not forget our those Pakistani brothers and sisters are left under sky on the mercy of winds .We should also share our happiness our joys with them on the Day of Eid.If we are successful in bringing about a single smile on their lips then its sured that we have observed our Ramadan and Eid day really very Well. Wishing you a very blessed last ashra of Ramadan and Advance Eid day greeting.