Second ashrah of Ramadan, popularly known as the ten days of mercy in the month of Ramadan, starts. There is no doubt that Divine mercy is not relative to Ramadan or confined to one ashrah in Ramadan alone. However blessed Ramadan is just an excuse to ignore worldly disturbances to focus on seeking mercy solely.
Ramadan is that month when we can all bow down in worship for mercy over our sins. In Ramadan redemption and mercy is sought out for sins irrespective of their nature.
In these ten days of Ramadan of mercy don’t miss out on contemplating on sins committed and ways of redemption. Mercy is His great attribute no doubt but only when you seek it. In seeking mercy and redemption of your past sins vow to not repeat them and be more careful in your future life. Islamic tradition goes very unfortunate is that man who didn’t manage redemption for his past sins even in Ramadan.
Let him who has not sinned be the first to throw the first stone. Hardly anyone qualifies for that; this Ramadan maybe we could seek mercy for past sins and start afresh.