We are Pakistanis and this is a fact no man and no land can change. No matter what color we are or how we speak or what we wear and where we live we will always be Pakistanis. But now the question is whether or not we are proud to be a part of Pakistan.
Are we proud to belong to a nation formed by sweat and blood of the freedom fighters? Thanks to those fearless strong headed Pakistanis today we breadth the air of independence and walk the road of evolution.
Pakistan is a land of many miracles and wonders and one should never over look the fact that we are the people of Allah and this land was a gift to us from Him. How we were successful to get Pakistan and how it is still standing with a straight back are things not less than miracles. Many decades have passed but Pakistan managed to stand its ground no matter who ruled it or who bought it! We Pakistanis have a lot to be thankful for and not much to complaint about but sadly Pakistanis do just the opposite.
What really makes a Pakistani? Generations before us and generations after us will probably never know for we have taken Pakistan, the gifted land for granted.
In my opinion on this 14th august we should not pass with some music and good fun but ponder on the question; who a true Pakistani is and try our level best to achieve that goal.
We belong to Pakistan and InshAllah we will prove to be Pakistanis, as well!
Pakistan is the land of many gifts and we as Pakistani should do justice to it.