Jeans shopping is a very tough task and the most difficult one is to find a perfect jeans. There are lots of varieties in jeans for body type. The most important is that every woman should be well aware that jeans are for your body type. Don’t waste your money invest only in one pair of perfect jeans.
Well there is no formula to find perfect jeans sometimes it is your luck. You have to keep trying unless and until you find perfect jeans for body type. Here we will discuss which jeans are for which body type.
Diminutive Figure:
Diminutive is what we usually people who have short height. So short height people have different body types and what jeans are fit for them that depend. Jeans for body type for short people is that they go for narrow leg cuts. They should wear more skinny jeans and straight one. Both options will suit them. With skinny jeans wear little heels they will make you look longer and jeans will stand out. Perfect jeans for short height would be wearing those jeans which have flat pockets; this will proportion your figure.
Pear Figure:
Some women have wider hips and their upper part of the body is really slim their figure is called pear shaped. Jeans for body type in this figure would be going for the waistbands which are wider. Perfect jeans for this body shape could be flared jeans that can makes your legs look long and can balance your curves. This jean will make you look sexier.
Hourglass Figure:
Perfect jeans for this type of figure is that you start wearing flare jeans or boot cut one. I this kind of figure jeans for body type would be denim. Denim will give a really smooth look.
Apple Figure:
Well, the apple figure is when you have weight on the upper part of the body. Perfect jeans for this kind of figure would be going for skinny jeans. In this type of figure legs are really slim so skinny would be the perfect option on such legs.
Perfect figure: Slim and smart
Jeans for body type like slim and smart would if you go for high rise jeans. It balances your over all look. Slim and smart cab go for any jeans but perfect jeans for them would be high rise one. Well wearing jeans on such figure will makes you look really sexier.
Fatty Figures:
Woman who are over all fat have a big issue that which is perfect jeans for them. First of all don’t hide yourself from wearing very baggy type jeans because you can’t hide your fatty figure by doing this. Jeans for body type for this would be going for medium and high waist jeans.
Try to get the boot cut jeans as it can balance your curves. Well go for jeans which have big pockets, embellished one could be a great idea they will your jeans little bit highlighted. Check the comfort levels of the jeans, try it.
There is no definition of perfect jeans, what makes jeans perfect is that how you carry it and is it suiting your body type or not. Before buying a jeans do a little research that which jeans is for which body.