Well in our first part we have told you that how to take care of which type of skin?
In this section we will give you some important tips through which you can make your feet clean and softer, while staying at home.
One of the easier tips, put little bit hot water in a tub and adds few drops of shampoo in it and then place your feet in to this mixture for few minutes. Rub your feet gently with your hands and then soak them with towel. Then file your feet nails properly. At this point, people with the normal or dry skin can have an oily massage. On the other hand, those with the oily skin can mix one teaspoon lemon juice into avoid greasiness. Then after this procedure, clean your feet with a cotton wool.
You can make a scrub paste as well; take half mash banana, juice of a lemon, two lemon peals (grinded), and two tea spoon milk powder. Mix all ingredients well and make a fine paste or sort of scrub, apply it on your feet and leave for about 15 minutes. Well those with the oily skin should take less quantity of banana, like only 1 tea spoon. After that wash your feet with little warm water and soak your feet softly with the towel.
In order to make skin softening lotion, take 2 tea spoon honey, 4 table spoon rose water, and 2 tea spoon lemon juice, mix all the ingredients and apply it on your feet. This lotion can be an excellent tuner for your feet and protect them from drying.
Other then all these home-made tips, moisturizing of your feet with some good quality moisturizer or with a lotion will keep your feet soft and clean. It’s good to do moisturizing before going to bed; also you will get more advantages if you will use petroleum jelly.
Only a little care can keep your feet as soft and good-looking as you want, so do not ignore them.
You can make use of these tips according to your convenience and availability of time.