Darkening of armpit has become the cause of worries for many of the women. Women are beauty conscious but dark underarms seem to be unpleasant and sometimes a cause of embarrassment for them. This has become one of the most common issues faced by majority of women. Do you suffer from dark underarms and feel hesitant to lift your arm while wearing sleeveless shirt?
Why is it so? The causes of dark underarms are excessive sweating, use of underarms products, too much shaving, deodorants and improper skin care. There is nothing more efficient to get rid of dark armpits than home made remedies and tricks. In order to get rid of dark armpits follow this guide which I have formulated for you.
First of all start from shaving method. Which shaving method do you use for removing unwanted armpit hair? Do you use hair removing creams? If yes then quit using hair removing creams. Hair removing creams weaken the tip of your hair without affecting its root. Cusing this results in not only thicker hair but also shadowy skin.
However, hair growth in armpits is natural. You must look for other means of removing hair. Go for waxing and laser treatment for long lasting effects. Wax does the best job and pulls out hair from roots with a long lasting effect. Waxing not only reduces darkness but lessens thickness of hair in underarms.
Rub lemon slice on dark armpits. It is one of the easiest and simple methods of getting rid of dark armpits. Rubbing lemon slice on area will not only help in chucking out of darkening armpits but its bleaching effects will also eliminate the dead cells that might build up.
Baking soda or anti fugal powder is the best remedy to reduce darkness of armpits. Paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater also helps in getting rid of darkening of armpits. For a spotless look, include this remedy into your daily beauty ritual.
Extremely tight clothes are considered the main culprit in the darkening of skin. Tight clothes are not only uncomfortable and cheeky to wear but also cause your armpits to darken. Avoid clothing and accessories that may cause friction on your underarm skin. To keep the armpits flawless, a loose shirt seems to be an optimal alternative.
Another home remedy is to make gram flour paste. To make a paste mix 1tbsp curd, 1 tbsp gram flour, 1 tbsp milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Mix all these ingredients and apply this paste on underarms. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and wait for drying. Wash with cold water. Scrubbing coconut oil on the armpits also reduces the chances of darkness.
Applying potato juice on the affected area can be helpful in getting rid of darkening of underarms. You can also go with potato slices in place of juice and keep it on your affected area for 15 minutes daily. It is an effective natural bleaching agent and will surely help you in getting rid of darkness from armpits.
Sometimes regular use of deodorants and antiperspirants can also generate discoloration. Instead of application of antiperspirants, I must suggest you to go with alcohol free formulas like talcum powder. Using talcum powder is a more organic way to fight sweating and protect your armpits from darkening.
Do you want to get rid of your dark armpits? Fret not! We are here to help you. Check out some guaranteed home remedies which will help you in prevention of dark underarms.