Menopause is a time in women’s life when her menstruation cycles ends. Between the ages of 40 and 61 most when enter menopause. It is a difficult process that can last for a few years and brings about a number of changes. Menopause is incredibly complicated process that all women have to face when they reach middle age.
One of the symptoms of menopause is that women had not periods for twelve months. Post menopause not only causes the internal changes in body but also affect skin as well.I must suggest you some simple ideas about how can you make your skin better in post menopause. Consider changes in your skin after menopause and follow these tips to have better skin after menopause.
Menopause is a process that is associated with hormonal changes that cause changes in skin. Hormonal changes means reduction in estrogen. Estrogen is powerhouse hormone that stimulates maturation in a girl at puberty and also stimulates formation of skin smoothing oil and collagens. If you want to have a better skin after menopause then firstly you have to understand changes in your skin.
Changes in skin occur according to the type of skin. The most common variationsin the skin are hot flashes which are intense feeling of warmth in skin, appearance of facial hair specifically around chin, sweating, more prone to sun damage and sometimes wrinkles.
Most noticeable change in post-menopause is the loss of skin elasticity that makes skin dry and lead to aging symptoms. After menopause if your skin becomes dry then you have to focus on essential fatty acids. You can get essential fatty acids from the food like salmon, walnuts and fortified eggs. These food items will help you in keeping your skin fresh, smooth and hydrated. You must use a sunblock that is particularly prepared for dry skin.
Use sunscreen that has SPF 15 or higher. Dry skin also causes wrinkles, skin cancer and mole so add a sunscreen which has UVB and UVA protection against dry skin. Use sunscreen that protects your skin from sun damage and prevents age spots. You must use soap with light scent and also take shower in warm water. Don’t forget to use a good moisturizer after taking shower. Petroleum jelly is the perfect option to make skin smooth and fresh after menopause.
The drop in estrogen can lead to increased facial hair. This unwanted hair growth can be tackled by laser treatments but the people who have sensitive skin cannot have this option. Dermaplanning is relaxing and painless procedure for the removal of hair after menopause. Dermaplanning is the procedure that removes outer and superficial layer of dead skin by carefully scraping it away by using surgical blade. This surgery removes hairs and acne scars from face leaving your skin smooth, glowing and beautiful.
It’s a fact that post-menopause makes your skin even more sensitive and require extra care. You must use mineral make up or beauty products that contain high quality natural ingredients and give your skin a good feel. In post menopause you should use less makeup on your face because more makeup can actually accentuate wrinkles and sagging skin.
You can also go with certain therapies. The most popular therapy is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). You can replace your hormone either by using creams or medical treatments prescribed by doctors or skin specialists.
Menopause is a natural process that all women face between the ages of 40 and 61. This complicated process cause internal as well as external changes in body. Skin is also affected in post menopause. Many changes occur on skin like hot flashes, more pron