Feet are important in women personality; well maintained feet add grace in one’s personality. Ladies what you are thinking about? It’s a season which favors you in your foot care regime because in winter it is not necessary to wear sandals and open shoes so you can easily follow the foot care guide.
Foot Care Guide
By following certain foot care tips you can enhance the beauty of your feet this winter. It is important for women to have beautiful and well maintained feet.
Cracked Heals
Start foot care guide with your cracked heals. Soft heals are essential for the beauty of your feet. The heels of foot are difficult to maintain because of their hardness. First of all remove the cracks with hard scrubbers and use petroleum jelly every night.
Toe Nails
Most of the women care for their finger nails but avoid toe nails. It is very important to take good care of your foot nails properly. You must cut and file your nails decently. Many professional tools for nails are available in market to facilitate you in professional manners and reduce the need to go to the beauty salons.
Patched Skin on Foot
Feet skin usually loses the even tone of color so you must use cold cream massage every night. It enhances the blood circulation and reduces the dryness in your foot skin which leads toward uneven skin.
The most important foot care guide tip is to use moisturizers frequently. In every hour you must use moisturizer on your feet to make them supple soft.
Fungal infections
To prevent fungal infections foot care guide tip is don’t wear socks for longer period of time. If you are troubled with fungal infection problems tea tree oil would be a best solution of your problem. It is antiseptic and prevents from fungal growth and will make your feet Patel soft.
Once in a week foot care guide advises you to have pedicure weekly. It can be done at home easily. Have a bucket full of warm water; add lemon juice1tbs, glycerin 1tbs, shampoo1tbs, salt 1tbs and rose water. Put your feet for 30 min into the warm water. After that scrub your feet with pumice stone. Massage your feet with massage cream easily available in markets or with olive oil for 10min. wipe off excessive oil with cotton and put a pair of cotton cocks. If you do this process regularly it will give your feet the every word of beauty.
Feet are important in women personality. Well maintained hygienic feet enhance the first impression of your personality. In winter you have an opportunity to follow foot care guide to increase the beauty of your feet.