Fashion Central is an online fashion Magazine of Pakistan based in Lahore, which provides coverage to the events in the Pakistani Fashion Industry. It was named Fashion Central with an idea to provide a central portal about all fashion-related affairs. This magazine has won PASHA ICT Award in 2010.
Fashion Central was founded in 2007 and the website went live in November 2007. Initially, it was launched as an online E-commerce website. After about 6 months the website was totally revamped and was reinvented as an online fashion and lifestyle magazine. In early 2011 the website added e-commerce as one of its services.
The products at offer include apparel, perfumes, lifestyle items, and other fashion and lifestyle-related accessories. The delivery options are available for countries across the globe with multiple payment options. The products on sale at Fashion Central are directly sourced from the known designers.
Main categories
Our main categories are Pakistani fashion designers, models, stylists, fashion events, trends, celebrity gossip, lifestyles and photographers, The subcategories include health & beauty, parenting, fashion accessories, food, and home décor.